This section called MAXinterviews aims to inform experts about truly unique projects that have a differential value. With only 5 questions and answers we seek to discover what is happening in the tourism industry with an emphasis on the MICE segment and the destination of Spain.
Nabil Aguilera has been a sales coordinator at Puro Group since November 2018. From a young age, he had a clear vision of the professional path he wanted to follow, and his academic background in International Hotel Management and a master’s in marketing, Tourism Marketing and Hotel Revenue Management reinforced his decision to join such industry.
Puro is a prestigious and internationally recognized brand in the tourism and hotel sector, founded in 2004, with a powerful concept inspired by the cosmopolitan nomad. Can you tell us how it all started and its development?
With 16 years of experience, Puro represents a Mediterranean, natural and elegant lifestyle that offers a perfect balance between quality and service. Currently, under the Puro brand, we have 1 Purohotel& 6 Purobeach Clubs: Dénia, Barcelona, Mallorca, Vilamoura, and the upcoming PurobeachTaghazout in Morocco.
In January 2020 we started our collaboration that consists in promoting your spaces in the Scandinavian MICE market. My question is “Why did Puro choose to promote themselves in the Nordic countries”?
We always have seen a very important market niche in Scandinavia, they are high-end clients, sun and good weather lovers, they follow the sustainability and commitment to the environment as a way of life. They can meet their expectations with Puro and we love to work with them.
How important are corporate events when marketing your different products and services?
We offer very special venues with strategic locations, always looking for the wow effect. Just picture a product launch by the sea, a big corporate or incentive event surrounded by the best Puro atmosphere with a breathtaking sunset, followed by our own music label Deep-house played by our resident DJ’s. MICE and private events are a very important part of our revenue and impact when it comes to marketing. Therefore, we are committed to continuing to grow in this segment, while trying to be sustainable and generate the least possible impact on the environment.
In what way do you think the MICE business will change in the future and how important is sustainability and respecting values for your company?
Our sustainability values are very important for the company and for the world, no one can deny the damage and impact we generate to the world. We aim to coexist where we are located with respect and acting locally, while thinking globally.
Why should a Scandinavian event planner choose Puro for their next corporate event?
A good example would be Netflix, plenty of options and all kinds of movies… but how satisfying is when you finally choose one after an hour and you discover an amazing movie and caught your heart? We would like to be that movie for the Scandinavian event planners, and we hope that they find our Oasis faster than a movie on Netflix.