This is what our partners from Spain say about MAX Tourism

We have worked with more than 30 clients from Spain since 2015. Our portfolio includes 1 outstanding DMC, different MICE hotels, some Venues and collaborate with different Convention Bureaux Back in 2015 we started our company MAX Tourism, which promotes our clients from Spain exclusively in the Scandinavian MICE market. Last year we created the […]

MAX Tourism, a company that promotes talent

My name is Juan Pablo Ramírez Gan, I was born in Cuba and raised in Dominican Republic and live in Barcelona since September 2023, city that I already feel part of. In this article I will tell you about my academic internship at MAX Tourism, a company that opened its doors to me from the […]

The MAXday Storytime is here

Promoting Costa Blanca in a different way This is probably one of the most important blog posts, that we are sharing with our MAXfriends in many years. I had this idea in my mind for a very long time, but did not find the right moment to do it or did not feel confident enough. […]

At MAX Tourism we have received a Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism

Doing well is way better than doing more In autumn 2020, when I was talking to some Scandinavian event organizers, they told me that they were getting certified in sustainable tourism and many spoke highly of the certification received with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, so I started researching programs and courses in sustainable tourism. […]

What our clients and some Scandinavian event agencies say about MAX Tourism

Testimonials about MAX Tourism Throughout the history of MAX Tourism we have been lucky to work with great professionals from Spain and Scandinavia. Some of them wanted to give us their opinion about our work throughout the past few years. From the Spanish side we got the testimonial from Reinald Gimeno, who is the Commercial […]

MAXlive: interviews with experts in Tourism and the world of events

In February we started doing live interviews on our Instagram account @max.tourism The idea is to speak with experts in the Tourism industry and the world of events to share knowledge and learn from each other. In these changing times it is more important than ever to stay informed and connected. Some interviews will be […]